Here are some choice pieces of hi-fi on sale in our shop. If you see something you like you can buy or reserve it here.

Put the needle on the record

We specialise in good quality used separates – mainly turntables, amplifiers and speakers – ranging from classic 1960s and 1970s vintage British and Japanese hi-fi up to present-day equipment, including CD players.

Our aim is to provide you with the best sounding set-up at a decent price, with kit to suit all budgets.

Our friendly hi-fi expert Lionel will help you find the gear that suits your needs, and you can come and sample the sound with your own personalised demo (bring a favourite album!)

We like robust British and German-engineered decks, Japanese classics, and especially some of those quintessentially English pieces made in relatively small batches 50 years ago in what were effectively cottage industries.

Our favourite manufacturers include Garrard, Thorens, Technics, Linn, B&W, Kef, Leak; as well as upscale marques such as Quad and Naim.

We stock later equipment by stereo specialists such as Denon, Arcam, Pioneer, Rotel, Marantz and NAD. These are great value brands for hi-fi novices and those wanting to upgrade their systems.

We also favour modestly-priced Rega and Pro-Ject turntables – well-manufactured, easy to set up and far superior to those all-in-one Crosley/similar decks which can be known to damage your records.

All of our items are electrical safety (PAT) tested and carry a minimum three-month warranty.

Contact us at or come in and see us!